I needed that.

February 23, 2019. Having a week off from treatment was the best thing that has happened in months. I almost feel like my old self…or at least the edges of what my old self felt like…and I like it.

I don’t feel quite as run down, although I do tire out easily. I actually felt like doing a few things around the house and I’ve cooked a couple of dinners. I got out of my bed-clothes and got dressed because I wanted to, not because I had an appointment or someone was coming by. I walked out to the box and got the mail a few times. The smell of clean, fresh country air was wonderful. Sometimes I’ll step out on the front deck for the pure joy of deeply breathing in that amazing air.

My biggest goal for this time off is to put on a few pounds. Earlier in the week I was a few pounds shy of 90. My target for Tuesday’s appointment is 92. Right now I’m sitting at 89.5. I’ve added a plant-based protein powder to my daily smoothies that is gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, and 200 calories a serving. I’ve also been eating a lot of pistachios. So when you think of me, think fat. Envision me with a little extra padding on my bones. (Now that’s a request I bet you don’t get every day!)

Half-way there. Six down, six to go.

Here’s my schedule for Tuesday, February 26:

  • 11:40a – Blood draw
  • 12:30p – MRI
  • 1:45p – Infusion #7

If everything goes as scheduled, we could be on the road before 5p and home by 8p.

One last thing, a simple yet heartfelt thank you. All the support through emails, cards, care packages, phone calls, word of mouth and texts after my last post was such good medicine. You really did help make me feel so much better. If genuine kindness, authentic caring and bona fide love could cure cancer…well, you know where I’m headed.

Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward, after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s a cha-cha. —Robert Brault


13 Replies to “I needed that.”

  1. Thinking fat is something fun to do…I bet you’ll meet your goal. Glad you got another glimpse of what you’ll be feeling in April after your treatments are over.
    It can’t be soon enough.
    Springtime is a great time to get revitalized. I imagine you’ll soak in every minute of feeling like “normal Lana.” Looking forward to hearing about a good MRI report. Sending loads and loads of love💞

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Lana

    Sending you another LOVE message and prayers for more healing. Hope you keep feeling “yourself”

    Love you lots Sandy and Tom


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wish I could share a few pounds with you! My secret weapon to gaining weight…WINE. Actually my answer for everything! I bet you are being super healthy so alcohol is a NO NO. Just thought I’d share my secret to successful weight gain 🙂 xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I wish, Bernie. No alcohol. No caffeine. They do not go well with Chemo. So not even an option. Sigh. Six more treatments, then my dream of an ice cold beer might become a reality. 🍻


  4. My sweet friend, I am so glad you had this week to re-humanize yourself. Life isn’t fair on so many fronts, not the least of which is being able to share a few pounds with you. I hope Tuesday’s appointment goes well as well as the remaining 5. I think of you daily and you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are one strong person that I admire so much. Love you Lana!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lana, so glad you had last week off. Sounds like you were renewed and ready to get back to it. Only 6 more weeks. Praying that your tumor has reduced in size more and all this turmoil you’ve faced so bravely will be worth it.
    I admire your courage and strength, keep it up, we are all with you, girlfriend.
    Love and hugs, Connie and Ken

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lan – soooooooo glad to hear of your little reprieve! You remind us of the little (and big) things we take advantage of – even those daily routine functions we sometimes bitch about! People can donate organs, why can’t we donate “weight” in whatever form is best?!?!? 😉 I love you so much and look forward to working out a schedule when I can come visit………..

    Liked by 1 person

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