I have a date

Wednesday, May 1, 2019. It’s real. It’s happening. I have a date with Dr. Ewing. I’m a little scared and nervous about it, but I finally have a date for surgery.

dahliaI’m going under the knife on Wednesday, May 15. I don’t have a set time, but likely early afternoon. It’s an outpatient procedure, so I’ll actually get to sleep in my own bed that night.

It feels like this date has been a very long time coming. When I first met Dr. Ewing on Friday, November 30, I never envisioned it would take 5-1/2 months to get this thing, my tumor, to a point where it could be cut out. And yet, here I am. Having endured 13 grueling chemotherapy sessions, numerous procedures—MRIs, sonogram, mammogram, needle biopsy, and driven nearly 5,000 miles. There were a couple of minor setbacks as the chemo attacked all my fast-dividing cells, and my body needed a break before the next infusion could be given. It’s been quite a ride.

So now I’m at the beginning of the third week of recovery from my last chemo treatment on April 16. I still feel fragile and shaky. The subtle numbness in my fingertips and the soles of my feet lingers. I tire easily. I’m guessing that by my fourth full week of recovery, I will feel much stronger for this surgery and super-ready to be rid of this cancer once and for all.

Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it. —Ninon de Lencios

12 Replies to “I have a date”

  1. Hallelujah! Marking the date down right now. Great that it’s outpatient surgery. May they get every bit of the tumor so that you won’t need radiation. You’ve been through some rough treatment with all the side effects. May you continue to recover and rejuvenate. Sending big hugs and tons of love. 💗

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  2. Yay! Finally what must feel like a very positive step and the goal is in sight! We will all be sending hugs, love and positive healing vibes for you, Steve, and Dr. Ewing on surgery day. I know this will be okay! 🥰 🌻 🍀 🤗 🌺 😘 👍 🌼 🤟 🙏💕

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  3. I THINK my first attempt to post yesterday failed, so please forgive me if I’m repeating myself.
    I’m beyond happy that you’re so close to the end of this arduous journey! You’re in my heart every day, especially so on May 15!
    Love you to pieces, Lana!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes!!! You made it! Quite the ordeal, but prayers the surgery will be successful and you will be DONE,
    Love to you and Steve. You are in our thoughts everyday.

    Liked by 1 person

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